domingo, 7 de abril de 2013

My last day at school

For St Francis Xavier school, Thank you!

Today was my last day at the school of St Francis Xavier. I really liked that school but I was going to move to St joseph cathedral school for two really important reasons the first one I am not going to mention it and the second one is because the school is going to be closer to my intermediate Kavanagh college. So I arrived at school like a normal day but this time I was feeling a bit nervous because my classmates did not know that I was moving schools. When we were in writing time, Mrs Kearsley called me to see her and she told me that it was sad to see me leave. After that I told Enrique that I was moving schools then the news passed around every classroom in the whole school and by lunchtime everybody started asking me questions like is it true that you ´ r  going to move schools? And then everybody said lets do what Bruno wants to do today since it `s his last lunchtime here so we ended up playing soccer. Lunchtime ended and we went to class and started silent reading.
When school ended Mrs Kearsley told everyone that it was my last day at school then, when she said we could go, my classmates asked me for autographs and phone number. Thank you St Francis Xavier school for letting me and my sister settle and for every fantastic moments that we lived with you.

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

No hablo inglés! Qué dice? Disculpa mi ignorancia. Besos mi Bruno! Abue Laura.

Anónimo dijo...

Hijo,ya que vengan le diré a la Kiki que me lo lea. ¡Te felicito!

Tu abuelito Beto.